Asian Bridge.Co

About Asian Bridge Company
Ever since the Asian Bridge Company 2006 was established , we have aimed to be a company that is loved, trusted, and enduring by providing high-quality products to the market at affordable prices and developing products that suit the market. This company’s basic policy is that we manufacture in Japan and sell overseas. Our headquarters are located in Ibaragi Pre , bando City . Within Japan, we also have Container loading place , warehouse, . Our main products are engine oil for automobiles, bikes, and industrial machineries , We as the exclusive agents of Chugai, RIZING Factory, As well as the Star Man Japan for Car Engine Oil Factory
It is classified as one of the high-end factories, wonderful
products and international quality.
Asian Bridge Co. Ltd. is the good choice for your business in Japan. With our experienced team, you will be able to get the perfect combination of cost, time, efficiency and quality for your goods’
Contact us for more information
Please feel free to get in touch using the form below. We’d love to hear your thoughts and answer any questions you
may have!
شركة الجسر الاسيوي المحدودة هي مناسب لعملك في اليابان.
مع فريقنا المتمرس ، ستتمكن من الحصول على مزيج مثالي من التكلفة والوقت
والكفاءة والجودة لبضائعك
ارجو ان لا تتردد بالتواصل معنا حتى وان كان صعبا الجواب
على تساؤلاتك لكننا يمكن ان نسمع
ملاحظة هامة :
اليابانيون تعاملهم وتحركاتهم بكل دقة وحذر و تختلف تماما عن الطراق المعتادة في بلداننا العربية --
حتى احيانا يشعر الزبائن بالاشمئزاز ونفاذ الصبر بالتعامل معهم
فالصبر هنا هو مفتاح الفرج !!
Company Name : Asian Bridge Company
Established Date : October 2006
Financial Capital
Koikawa Samishin
President Biography:
1964 was born in Baghdad- Iraq
We can Speaks Arabic, Russian, English and Japanese
License No: 401270001472
Ibaragi Pre, Bando City
Registration of Collection Operators
Governor of Ibaragi Registration
2006 Year
Skype ID
E-mail: mrozengord@gmail.com